This page-turning book is filled to the brim with life-changing aha moments and tidbits that will leave your thinking challenged and motivates you to make your next step towards positive change. Life success practices and sage counsel are gleaned from every page!
I had the opportunity to hear a dynamic, international motivational speaker years ago. He told a quick story of how he had been traveling overseas for a week and was looking forward to flying home and seeing his beautiful wife and two wonderful children. When he arrived, his family greeted him with hugs and kisses.
As soon as he got in the car, his wife immediately reminded him, “At noon today, you gotta take Anna for piano lessons, and at three, you gotta take John for baseball practice.”
He said, “I reflected that ‘I got to’ sounds like an obligation. What if I rephrased this to ‘I get to take Anna to piano, and I get to take John for baseball practice.’ That’s an opportunity and all of the positives that come along with ‘I get to.’ And I have transportation, gas, money, children with talents, eyesight, activities of my limbs, and the list is endless.”
To me that attitude changes everything. Think of the power of us changing our thinking from “I’ve got to” to “I get to.” With that said, I “get to” share a few of my thoughts and experiences in life in this book. I am not really writing a memoir or a “self-help” book or a business “how to succeed” book. This is not a story of my life, either personal or corporate. You will, however, find a little about my growing up time, a smattering about my work years, a dab about my family, a lot about my faith, and a few doses of basic, down-to-earth, practical advice dropped in. I do share some of my achievements because many would consider them against the odds, and I review with you instances where Blacks, especially young Black men, have not won against the odds—and that needs to change. In other words, I “get to” share some here-and-there thoughts with you in the hope that maybe some good will come from them.
I hope what I share in the parts about my life will be an inspiration, a motivation, and an encouragement to many, regardless of age. No matter who you are or where you come from, there are no limits to who you can be or what you can accomplish.
A winner never quits, and a quitter never wins. WE ARE ALL WINNERS if we choose to be. Henry Ford is credited with saying “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t—you’re right.” This is my long-held philosophy that I say just a little bit differently: If you think you can, or if you think you can’t, you’re right. I KNOW THAT I CAN, and I believe that you can too!
This book gives readers a glimpse into the thoughts of a strong Black woman whose humble but auspicious beginning in life was a foreword to her journey to corporate career success in the television advertising industry.
From those humble beginnings in a small eastern North Carolina town to a seat at the table of a #1 television station is not a trip for the faint-hearted, but Evelyn Smith Booker made the journey. On the way, she integrated her local high school, was the unofficial valedictorian of her graduation class, set record after record, breaking the glass ceiling as a television executive in ad sales, and mentored many fine people on her way who have climbed their own ladders.
In this book she shares a bit of her personal story and work life, a little of her philosophy, drops in a dollop of motivation, dispenses practical wisdom, and above all celebrates her faith and puts God in the center of absolutely everything. Reading this book is a bit like experiencing a wide ranging conversation with a friend. You’re sure to feel uplifted after you read it.
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